I love the Laura
Mercier Caviar Sticks but haven’t really tried anything else from the line
until now. I’ve read some great reviews about the reformulated Silk Creme Foundation which were all over the blogospere back in April of last year
so figured I’d give them a go.
The new formulations come in Moisturising or Oil Free and having had oily skin for most of my life, I decided to start with the Oil Free formula. The first thing as usual is to find a colour match. Looking online I worked out that my NC20-25 skin would probably be one of the ‘Beige’s’ so I managed to get a hold of a sample of each of them and swatched them against other foundations in my collection that match my skin tone at some point throughout the year.
The new formulations come in Moisturising or Oil Free and having had oily skin for most of my life, I decided to start with the Oil Free formula. The first thing as usual is to find a colour match. Looking online I worked out that my NC20-25 skin would probably be one of the ‘Beige’s’ so I managed to get a hold of a sample of each of them and swatched them against other foundations in my collection that match my skin tone at some point throughout the year.

Laura Mercier Silk Crème Oil Free Photo Finish Foundation.
Each foundation was swatched heavily then blended to the right and allowed to set for a few minutes. Photo taken in natural light.
Each foundation was swatched heavily then blended to the right and allowed to set for a few minutes. Photo taken in natural light.