Its been ages since my last update. I didn't do much in October or November other than try to eat healthier in general. Along with two of my sisters, we joined a Facebook fitness challenge for the 24 days of Christmas in December which was set out like an advent calendar - on the 1st with 24 days til Christmas we had to do 24 squats, on the 2nd we did 24 squats plus 23 sit ups, on the 3rd we did 24 squats, 23 sit ups plus 22 lunges, etc. By the 20th I was struggling and I think I gave up with 2 days to go because I was plain worn out. I loved the idea but there were no rest days which meant any strains I had accumulated went ignored until I couldn't ignore them anymore and I just had to stop.
The Christmas/New Year period was as expected - full of delicious food and drink in copious amounts and no exercise. I didn't do too much damage thankfully and January saw me get back on track diet wise. I was diligently using my MyFitnessPal app to track everything I was eating and with a few youtube videos of cardio workouts I saw a 2kg drop for the month which continued into February as I traded the cardio videos for walking with my sister a couple times a week and I lost a further 2kg.
So now the kids are 7 weeks into the school term and I've slacked off on tracking my eating but I've been so busy that its only resulted in a half kilo increase so I'm happy with that. I can definitely see it in the fit of my clothes and I've had to make extra holes in my belt which I'm also quite happy with. My back has been giving me problems so I haven't been exercising other than walking but I'd really like to get back into my cardio videos... once I sort out my back issues.
I don't know if I'll hit my target by my birthday (less than a month away!) but I think I'll be satisfied if I can lose a couple more kilos and more importantly KEEP THEM OFF!